Often times students going through the college search and admissions process will need some assistance from their parents. While every parent will be willing to help, they will also need to identify a balance in which they believe their child is doing most of the important work while they take care of the tiny details. This balance ensures parents that their child is truly taking their first steps into adulthood seriously as they lead the charge. So, what can parents do to help? Creating a schedule for your child to follow is a great start. Working from the list of schools your child is considering, sit down together to map out all the deadlines, events, decision dates and other important timing information involved with college applications. Creating a shared calendar together can be a great way to support your student and stay organized. Similarly, while a child’s applications and essays should be their own work, parents can take a moment to help with proofreading and providing feedback in their child’s moments of doubts. This philosophy of providing help without taking control is what’s best for both parents and their children alike. In order to learn how to better accomplish this balance, be sure to read on to the resource highlighted alongside this post.
The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches for more information on the college search process, be sure to check out the Encourage App